
This are projects that I have spent most of my time on, developing, designing and maintaining.


Sector: Marketing
Function: It's a platform for Loyalty programs and CRM.
Technologies: Ruby On Rails, Javascript Postgresql
Link: http://winero.mx


Sector: Human Resources
Function: It's a platform to match business that need trainees with students that are looking for an internship.
Technologies: Ruby On Rails, Javascript Postgresql
Link: http://trainees.co


Sector: Industry
Function: It's an app for auditing lifetime and efficiency for conveyor belts.
Technologies: Java, ORMLite, Retrofit
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cocothink.contiplusv2

Other Projects

Other projects I have made as a hobby or as a quick solution to special problem.

  • FlirtRate: An app to "find your special someone" based on your facebook's likes.
  • JSONP Magic: A tool to make jsonp queries using a json from another site.
  • Domain-Preview: A tool that enables the user to have a preview for several extensions of their name and see the competence.
  • Startup Manager: A platform that enables you to manage your startup from the lean startup business canvas to the product launch.
  • Cookie Thief: It's a POC to a kind of attack to send unprotected cookies from your browser to an attacker disguised as image requests.
  • Hover Preview: A tool that helps designer see the change between a image and another using the "hover" action

Open Source Projects

Projects that I have either collaborated or have modified in a significant way.